
A solar panel is a simple device that generates electricity from the sunlight. Nowadays most farmers are using solar panels for farming uses like motors etc. (Types of Solar Panels)

We can save electricity charges every month with solar panels. The total process of solar panels is called the photovoltaic effect.

Types of solar panels:

Here we can see three main types of solar panels,

  • Monocrystalline Solar Panels
  • Polycrystalline Solar Panels
  • Thin-Film Solar Panels

Monocrystalline Solar Panels:

Monocrystalline solar panels are made of single-crystal silicon, which formulates them effectively in converting sun rays into electricity. Mainly these Monocrystalline solar panels work effectively in little space areas.

Advantages of Monocrystalline Solar Panels:

  • Monocrystalline solar panels are very effective in transforming sunlight into electricity as compare to other types of solar panels.
  • We can easily install these monocrystalline solar panels in less place because it occupies less place as compare to other types of solar panels.
  • Monocrystalline solar panels work better in heat climatic conditions as compare to other types of solar panels.
  • The longevity of this solar panel is lengthy when compared to other types.
  • 25 years is the minimum warranty for a monocrystalline solar panel.

Disadvantages of Monocrystalline Solar Panels:

  • The other main issue of monocrystalline solar panels is shading issues.
  • If even a small part of the panel is shaded, then the total productivity of the panel will be reduced easily.
  • The making process of monocrystalline solar panels deals with the cutting of silicon strips, which results in the wastage of material.
  • Monocrystalline solar panels are very weak as compare to other type of solar panels as it will be destroyed easily.

Installation process of Monocrystalline solar Panels:

  • Place:

Find out the best place for solar panels establishment by considering points like exposure of sunlight, roof location, etc.

  • Design:

We need to design solar panels to fit for available space and exposure of sunlight.

  • Permission:

We need the necessary permissions from local officials before installing monocrystalline solar panels.

  • Mounting:

Mount rack or setup hardware on the place where we are installing solar panels to help the solar panels securely.

  • Electrical wiring:

Fix the solar panels in series or parallel to get the expected voltage and current output. Make sure actual grounding and wiring are as specified by local electrical codes.

  • Installation of inverter:

Install a solar inverter to transform direct current produced by solar panels into alternate current which is usable electricity for houses and business places.

  • Monitoring system:

Fix a system to inspect the performance of the solar panels and make sure panels are working efficiently or not.

  • Testing:

Finally, test the total system to make sure all parts of solar panels are working good or not.

Maintenance of Monocrystalline Solar Panels:

  • Daily cleaning:

Clean the solar panels daily by gently washing them with water and mid-detergent to remove dust and other unwanted particles that can reduce efficiency.

  • Cutting trees:

Cut trees and branches which are surrounded by solar panels to prevent from shading in panels as shading effects in efficiency of production.

  • Connection checking:

Inspect the wiring and connections to make know they are perfect or not. If the wiring connections are loose then it leads to the performance of solar panels in producing energy efficiently. 

  • Snow removal:

In some areas we can see heavy snowfall, in such places, we need to clear the snow from the panels to make sure sunlight can directly reach solar panels.

  • Technician inspection:

For every 1 year, we need to inspect by a professional solar technician to check the total condition of the system to make sure it is working efficiently.

  • Maintenance of inverter:

Check the inverter every day for any problems that occur in the system. We need to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines book for better results.

Polycrystalline Solar Panels:

Polycrystalline panels are made by multiple silicon crystals.

The rate of polycrystalline solar panels is not so much in comparison with monocrystalline solar panels and worthless too.

For those who are looking for less cost solar system then polycrystalline solar panels is a better option.

Advantages of Polycrystalline Solar Panels: 

  • Cost:

The main advantage of polycrystalline solar panels is they are less in cost as compare to monocrystalline solar panels.

  • Durability:

Here polycrystalline solar panels are less effective when compared to monocrystalline solar panels.

  • Temperature support:

Polycrystalline solar panels perform better than monocrystalline solar panels in high-temperature environments.

  • Eco-friendly:

Polycrystalline solar panels help in a clean and green environment as they cannot use fossil fuels to perform.

Disadvantages of polycrystalline solar panels:

  • Low efficiency:

Polycrystalline solar panels are less effective in transfiguring sunlight into electrical energy as compared to other solar panels.

  • Space requirements:

To install polycrystalline solar panels they occupies more space as compared to monocrystalline solar panels.

  • Look:

The look of polycrystalline solar panels is less as compared to monocrystalline solar panels as they have a blue color due to the use of multiple silicon crystals in their production.

  • Performance in low light:

The performance of polycrystalline solar panels is low in low light conditions such as cloudy days, rainy days, early mornings, etc.

Installation process of Polycrystalline Solar Panels:

  • Place:

The main step of inaugurating polycrystalline solar panels is to select the place where the panels need to be settled. We need to fix the location by checking sunlight, shading, etc.

  • Design:

After confirming a location we need to design a solar system based on the shape and size of the installation location.

  • Roof inspection:

If we are installing solar panel on roof, then we must inspect the roof weather it is strong to support the weight of solar panels are not.

  • Electrical wiring:

We need to connect the wiring in series or parallel connections after setting the solar panel and then connect them to the inverter.

  • Fixing inverter:

Mainly, inverters can help in transforming direct current to alternate current which is produced by solar panels to use in homes and business places.

Maintenance of Polycrystalline Solar Panels:

  • Cleaning:

For the best performance of polycrystalline solar panels, we need to clean the panels every day. So, it is very important to clean polycrystalline solar panels daily.

  • Checking:

The other important part of maintaining solar panels is to check the solar panels daily whether they have any damage, scratches, or shades. So that we can control problems in the future.

Thin-film Solar Panels: 

These panels are made by dropping a fine film of photovoltaic material into glass, metal, and plastic.

Thin-film solar panels are less in weight and very flexible as compared to other types of solar panels.

These solar panels work better in low-light climates like cloudy weather or early mornings.

Advantages of Thin-film Solar Panels:

  • Lightweight:

The thin-film solar panels do not have so much weight in comparison with the other two types of solar panels.

  • Flexible:

Thin-film solar panels are very adjustable which makes them effortless to fit in comparison to other categories of solar panels.

  • Performance in high temperatures:

In some places, the climate is very hot. Even in hot places, thin-film solar panels work without any problem. This can be very big advantage for the people who lives in very hot climatic conditions.

  • Cost:

The cost of thin-film solar panels is very less as they made up of less material as compared to crystalline solar panels. This helps middle-class people that they can afford it easily.

  • Shade Protection:

The thin-film solar panels own finer shade preservation in comparison with  crystalline solar panels. There is no problem even after the panel is shaded.

  • Performance in low light conditions:

Even in low light conditions as cloudy days, early mornings and evenings the thin-film solar panels works better than crystalline solar panels.

Disadvantages of Thin-film Solar Panels:

  • Low efficiency:

Thin-film solar panels are inefficient in comparison with crystalline solar panels. We need more thin-film solar panels to transform sunlight into electrical energy as crystalline solar panels.

  • Short lifespan:

The life span of thin-film solar panels is short as compared to crystalline solar panels. They reduce the efficiency as getting older.

  • Moisture conditions:

Thin-film solar panels transmit more competently than crystalline solar panels. If the panels are wet or moist then it leads to the working issues of the thin-film solar panels.

  • Less availability:

The attainability of thin-film solar panels is substantially lower in contrast to other types of solar panels.

  • Space requirement:

Thin-film solar panels require more place to transform sunlight into electrical energy as compared to crystalline solar panels.

Installation process of Thin-film Solar Panels:

  • Place:

First of all, we need to set the location for the installation of thin-film solar panels as it takes sufficient sunlight.

  • Design:

After fixing the location we need to design thin-film solar panels as the place requires based on sunlight.

  • Procurement:

After purchasing thin-film solar panels we need to procure mounting hardware and wiring components.

Maintenance of Thin-film solar panels:

  • Cleaning:

We want to clean thin-film solar panels for better absorption of sunlight directly to the panels.

  • Checking for damages:

We want to check the panels for any damages that occur to panels is very important.

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